Dr Mike Rowan Osteopath is the Total Health Osteo

Let's get you PAIN FREE
Firstly I will begin the process of diagnosing the tissue causing the pain. Then I will look at your posture. I love putting together the big picture.
What is Osteopathy
I diagnose pain and postural imbalance. I look for causes of pain and look at your pattern of imbalance. We all carry tension in a way that is unique. It is my job to interpret this to help you get back on track.
Osteopathic medicine encompasses hands on techniques like:
Soft tissue massage
Articulation/mobilisation – the movement of joints to restore function
Trigger point therapy: the release of tight areas to muscle to release inactivated muscles which may aid strength and performance
Manipulation – spinal mobilisation
Biodynamic Osteopathy.
Develop a Strong Core
A strong core may benefit your recovery. I will treat your trigger points and then advise you on the correct muscles to stretch and the ones to strengthen.
Trigger points are based on SHERRINGTONS LAW.
This law states that when one muscle is tight it automatically inhibits the muscle that it is opposed to ie. it's the antagonist.
Treating trigger points before you start your pilates class or exercise program may help you get the most out of your rehabilitation program.
Let's chat about what you need to get back on track.
Common conditions we treat:
Sprains and strains, Trigger points, Back and Neck pain, Repetitive strain injuries and Knee and Shoulder pain